
295 Audio Reviews

186 w/ Responses

"Don't know if you can"



Wonderful piece.

Very serene and majestic.

I love how it builds up until 0:58 and then it kinda goes like "Okay, now I really have something to say!" and releases a beautiful, proud and solemn melody/chord progression.

Your piano pieces might not be perfect in all senses possible, but are most probably my favorite ones on Newgrounds.

They sound very honest and genuine and the core is always filled with very pure feelings.

Really beautiful.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Hey, thanks for checking by once again :'D

I'm glad you like my stuff!
I think that the part right after 0:58 is my favorite part :p
It's a bit of a shame though; it was so long ago I made this piece that I barely remember the process behind composing and recording it o.O

"Your piano pieces might not be perfect in all senses possible, but are most probably my favorite ones on Newgrounds."

=> Whoah! That's quite the compliment :3
Especially as it's coming from such a great musician as you ;)

I can agree that most of my pieces that I've actually recorded on my piano are honest, as they really reflect my feelings and so on :)

Thanks for listening, and for your review!

No seriously, beautiful work!

The intro progression is superb, along side how it transitions into the main body.
Splendid chord progression and melodies.

The tone variation is very well executed as well.
How it goes from melodic/melancholic-ish to rhythm-infused, energetic, bright and groovy.

2:03 - when that harmonizing note hits - that's a memorable moment.

2:32 has this timeless feel to it. The background chords make it feel like a journey. I know that sounds cheesy and cliche, but I don't really have a better way of expressing that feeling of semi-melancholic remembrance.

5/5 - Would share adventures with classic video game characters to.

MrStr8face responds:

Dude, thank you so much!! :D It means an incredible amount from you since it was your song, Flip the Switch, that inspired me to make it. Thank you so much and I cannot wait to hear more from you! :D

This is the kind of peaceful, serene, beautiful, fulfilled song I'd want to play during my viking funeral (I'm not getting a viking funeral, lets be serious, but you know, lets pretend!)

Might sound like a morbid thing to say in a NG Review, but I mean it in the best possible way.

This is insanely beautiful and so very inspiring. Voices blend perfectly. The composition is phenomenally deep and emotional.

Production is also impeccable; everything is delicate and finely polished.

5/5 - Elves tear up to this.

etherealwinds responds:

I'll get the arrows and matches at the ready! =^_^=

I'm always so overwhelmed with the feeling of bringing inspiration to just one person, let alone multiple people. I still have a long way to go with mixing though. I don't even know what to say. You have my deepest gratitude!!


That opening riff just took a massive dump on every new metal song I've heard in the last year.
I know that sounds like empty, dramatized praise, but I mean the shit out of it.

5/5 - I'd be put in a difficult position if asked to truthfully say I'm not rubbing my nipples to these riffs right now.

PirateCrab responds:

Quality ha! It's hard because there's not a lot of melody behind it which is where tracks shine in the NGADM, but if you're rubbing your nipples to all the riffs, then I think I'll be fine :P thanks dude means a lot!

Awwwww yiss.

This sounds splendid! This would make the dopest Super Meat Boy OST track. (In the best way possible)

5/5 - Would turn into a Vampire and dance the night in my castle to this.

AeronMusic responds:

Ahw thank you very much dude! ^-^
Really glad to hear you liked it!

Very beautiful progression.

Can't put my finger on what it reminds me of, but it's something classic.
Disney meets 80s ballad? And I mean that in the best way possible.

1:11 is a superb moment.

Fantastic work; Good luck!

Troisnyx responds:

All the best to you too!

I'll admit not having thought about it sounding like Disney until you told me. I guess I'm getting it just a little bit, from hearing the chords.... hm. I like classic Disney, and I'm pleasantly surprised that the song reminded you of it.

The chanty vocal part caught me off guard. Beautiful piece! Very good vibes coming from it.

garlagan responds:

Cheers Luny! :)

Age 31, Male

Composer.QA Engineer

University of Bucharest

Bucharest, Romania

Joined on 10/22/10

Exp Points:
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3.92 votes
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Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
11m 30d