A very beautiful piece. Romantic and melancholic. I pictured a peaceful countryside sunset, then read your description and liked that better, hah.
Great composition; harmonies stand out.
A very beautiful piece. Romantic and melancholic. I pictured a peaceful countryside sunset, then read your description and liked that better, hah.
Great composition; harmonies stand out.
Its nice that you imagined a sunset as that was partly what I imagined as I wrote it :) As is conveyed in the description. Thanks for the review, I am glad you like it :D
This is damn groovy and hard hitting.
The slowdown one minute in is very effective and creating a powerful contrast.
Good job. Good luck!
Thanks man! Glad you liked the song!
Such atmosphere
So groove
Many dynamic
Very production
Splendidly organic sound. And I can't stress the freshness enough. It's dynamic and pleasantly devoid of musical cliches.
Great piece. Awesome vocals. Love the contrast between energetic rhythms, yet soothing melodies. That slow down 3/4 in also adds a nice dynamic to the song.
Superb production! Very harmonious spacey sound. Main synth has a very interesting texture to it. Progression is awesome and varied.
Love 1:08. The fullness of the song cascades in very nicely.
Very groovy. Love the progression. Not much to say that hasn't already been said, so I'll keep to saying this is great and Good luck! :3
Thanks. Appreciate the 5 star
I think we could definitely say that these riffs...
( •_•)>⌐■-■
...make the cut.
5/5 - Would destroy fabric of spacetime to.
Fantastic production. Very professional. Very fine and delicate. Love the spaciousness of the song.
Percussion is used very tastefully.
Effects also sound great. Give a lovely dynamic to the soundscape.
And I love the intricate, dark melodies. I'm hearing a hint of Brian Tyler influence here, maybe?
The only thing I could constructively criticize is how the distorted guitars sit in the mix.
They're good enough, don't get me wrong, but the rest of the song is pretty impeccable, so they stand out a bit.
What I'd change about them? Slightly lower the treble, cut down on the low-mids a bit and slightly boost the deep lows. Not your typical rock guitar advice, but I think it would work better with the context.
Take these specific guidelines with a bunch of salt. but basically what I'm trying to say is that they're a bit too harsh, considering how particularly smooth the rest of the production is.
(But to clarify: The harshness of the tone itself is great and I like how it sounds production wise, the highs in the EQ are the only thing I'm nitpicking; and this is indeed a nitpick)
But everything else is great. The composition expresses very atmospheric, mysterious, contemplative, dark vibes. Love that. A lot.
Mind revealing what you used for percussion? I love the textures on these hits.
Thanks for the wonderfully detailed review Alex! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
I'm certainly a huge fan of Brian Tyler's work on Far Cry 3 and Assassin's Creed IV and now that you mention it, I can definitely hear his influence here!
I'll be sure to toy with the EQ on that guitar and see what I come up with. I wasn't too sure about its mixing in the first place, but now I've got some great feedback and suggestions to work with!
For the percussion I used NI Action Strikes. Specifically the Dark City ensemble! I love the texture as well! =P
Thanks again for the feedback. I really appreciate it! ^_^
EDIT - I made some general tweaks in addition to adjusting the guitars in the mix. I think they sound much better now, sitting in the background. Thanks so much for the advice there! Might have to refresh your cache to hear the changes! If you happen to hear the changes sometime, let me know if you think they're an improvement or not =P
"Don't know if you can"
Wonderful piece.
Very serene and majestic.
I love how it builds up until 0:58 and then it kinda goes like "Okay, now I really have something to say!" and releases a beautiful, proud and solemn melody/chord progression.
Your piano pieces might not be perfect in all senses possible, but are most probably my favorite ones on Newgrounds.
They sound very honest and genuine and the core is always filled with very pure feelings.
Really beautiful.
Hey, thanks for checking by once again :'D
I'm glad you like my stuff!
I think that the part right after 0:58 is my favorite part :p
It's a bit of a shame though; it was so long ago I made this piece that I barely remember the process behind composing and recording it o.O
"Your piano pieces might not be perfect in all senses possible, but are most probably my favorite ones on Newgrounds."
=> Whoah! That's quite the compliment :3
Especially as it's coming from such a great musician as you ;)
I can agree that most of my pieces that I've actually recorded on my piano are honest, as they really reflect my feelings and so on :)
Thanks for listening, and for your review!
Age 32, Male
Composer.QA Engineer
University of Bucharest
Bucharest, Romania
Joined on 10/22/10