Quite a beautiful melding of elements. The choir, synths, guitar all fit perfectly with each other. The progression is also fresh. I really like the middle break.
Quite a beautiful melding of elements. The choir, synths, guitar all fit perfectly with each other. The progression is also fresh. I really like the middle break.
Thanks a lot for the detailed positive critiques! I think the song does its job okay, but there's plenty I would fix if I had the time ^___^
I love the lighthearted adventure sentiment the melodies and jumpy beats give off. Great work!
Thank you!
Beautiful track. Very pleasently melodic but firm and gripping.
Thank ya :)
The mariachi trumpets are a beautiful addition.
Composition is enticing and captivating. Really enjoyed the piece.
As a bit of constructive feedback, I'd advise against a fadeout finish to such an energy packed track, but overall I really enjoyed the listen.
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it ~
Yes, giving my (looping) pieces an actual 'ending' is something I will most likely do in the future. (I just feel a little... weird doing that.)
Great track. Very groovie and atmospheric.
Electro spookie jazzy extravaganza haha.
Really well glued mix and production. It fits the composition really well.
Great work! Good luck!
Hahahaha, love the description. :>
Thanks for the review, appreciate it!
Haha beautiful track.
I love how upbeat and wholesome the theme of your songs has been.
Nice rhymes. Well spat as well.
That last section gave me a good strong grin on the subway. Nice 4th wall breaking.
Great job and good luck!
Masterful composition and rendition.
I love how the arrangement follows a variety of structures that, while cohesive, express quite different nuances.
You have your ominous bits. Your victorian classical bits. Your defiant heroic bits. The romantic bits. The ride off into the sunset bits. The slightly whimsical adventurous bits.
I find it really inspiring how, with just one instrument, you are able to put so much color and variety into a song progression.
Your evolution throughout the years has been fascinating.
*eager clapping
Thank you!
Your track for this round is awesome too. Good luck, as you're up against the top scorer from last round ^___^
I do enjoy a lot of variety in pieces like this! Sometimes I prefer sticking to a single theme to give a more coherent message, but for this track, I think it's more important that it's fun and unpredictable.
I had to refrain from playing the piano properly for almost 3-4 months during the summer, as I was travelling. It feels great to be able to play it whenever I want to, again!
Thanks again for all the praise!
I got bloody chills from that bass thump and last, lower bell ring combo.
Both parts are really well constructed and superbly produced. And the combination works well.
The sound design work in the middle portion is top notch.
I am really impressed
Great job and best of luck in the contest!
Great production!
The song develops nicely throughout its progression.
Wonderful modulation and dynamics on the instruments. Feels very authentic.
The composition is captivating and exotic.
Loving this
Age 32, Male
Composer.QA Engineer
University of Bucharest
Bucharest, Romania
Joined on 10/22/10